Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PR Essentials — Getting Effective PR Coverage

  1. Develop a professional website
    Make it easy for PR professionals to find your newsworthy information and to contact you.

  2. Write and distribute press releases
    Regularly send out press releases of any newsworthy information through distribution channels and targeted media lists.

  3. Establish yourself as an expert in your field
    Two of the best ways to do this are by speaking at conferences or writing articles for trade publications.

  4. Develop relationships with the media
    Know which writers (including bloggers) cover your area and make sure they know you. Send them your press releases personally and let them know that you are available to answer their questions.

  5. Incorporate social media into your PR campaigns
    In today's PR environment social networks, online expert sources and web-induced stories are changing the nature and speed of public relations; therefore, social network marketing should be incorporated into all of your PR campaigns.

  6. Monitor what is being said about you
    Google Alerts, Blogdigger and Technorati are just a few of the free tools available for monitoring what people are saying about your company.

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