Monday, February 9, 2009

Timing PR for Startups

Timing the release of your first PR campaign should be determined by your company’s goals. Typically launching a PR campaign before your product is ready to deliver is a bad idea. Customers can become disappointed and irritated if they try to purchase a product that is not available. This also tends to upset the employees who have direct contact with the disgruntled customers. Additionally, it will tip off the competition to your plans and give them time to prepare for your launch.

However, there are a few situations where an early PR campaign can benefit a startup.
  • Some startups want to launch a PR campaign before their product is ready to sell in order to build buzz for a product launch. This should only be done if you can accurately predict when your product will be available and if your competition cannot quickly copy your product.

  • Startups trying to obtain financing can benefit from using a PR campaign to catch the attention of venture capitalists, angel investors, or other investing partners.

  • Startups in rapidly developing areas can use early PR campaigns to establish themselves as experts in their field.

  • Startups with products that have long purchase cycles may want to contact potential customers as early as possible to stay competitive.

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